Tolgee AI Translator

what is Tolgee AI Translator?

Tolgee AI Translator is a localization platform that offers developers a seamless and efficient translation process. With its quick and simple setup, developers can easily integrate this platform into their projects.

To fully utilize Tolgee Autonomous Localization, developers need to utilize Tolgee SDKs. These SDKs are available for popular frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue.js, Svelte, or plain JavaScript.

By adding keys to the in-context editor of Tolgee, developers can automatically translate all texts in their app. This allows for a smooth and hassle-free localization process. Once translated, the localized app can be deployed without any delays.

Tolgee AI Translator: Use Cases And Features

  • Achieve accurate translations for your app by leveraging context and translation memory.
  • Save time with the auto-translation feature, enabling fast and efficient app translation.
  • Seamlessly translate your React, Angular, Vue.js, Svelte, or plain JavaScript app autonomously.